Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jason Spotted - Best Worst Movie : Troll 2 Documentary

This posting's sighting comes from a small documentary about a recently dubbed cult classic. The Name of the Documentary is Best Worst Movie.

And the Movie the documentary is based on is Troll 2.

Which oddly enough, does NOT have a single Troll in the film.

So, basically, this documentary explains all of the hardships that everyone went through, not only making this movie, but dealing with it years after it had come out. One of the actresses won't even put it on her resume for fear of not getting casted.

And personal opinion, The director of Troll 2 really didn't know what he made, and still doesn't. But, he won't admit to it, either.

Well, this movie has become the cult classic of the current time. people are having small viewing parties. And by small, I mean 300-500 people. So, some of the actors get the bright Idea to have booths at sci-fi and horror cons. 

But although they had all the admiration at the Troll 2 Showings, It was different at a con.

But that wasn't what was spotted at a con...

Jason Voorhees is here at this con taking Pictures with Micheal Myers and Freddy Kruger!

It looks like Jason's Little Sister, Jesse is here as well, And Freddy's Little Sister, Fran. I believe the bald guy in the second pic is wearing a F-13 Hockey Jersey.

Still, it is nice that Jason can still make it to these functions, and hang out with family.

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